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gabantin 300 - Prices | Offer | Pills | Pillspala

To alleviate the discomfort brought on by nerve damage (neuropathic pain), patients with illnesses such as diabetes, shingles (herpes zoster infection), spinal cord injury, etc. often turn to Gabantin 300 Capsule. Along with other medications, it is used to treat specific forms of convulsive seizures.

One class of drugs used to treat epilepsy is known as "anti-epileptics," which includes Gabantin 300 Capsule. This medication should be taken at the same time every day, with or without food, for the best results. You and your doctor will have to choose the best course of action, including dosage and length of treatment, based on your individual symptoms and progress. Your doctor will likely begin treatment with a low dose and progressively increase it. The medicine's full effect may not be seen for a few weeks. Do as your doctor tells you and keep taking it until he or she tells you to stop. Do not skip any doses; doing so may exacerbate your illness.

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